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[av_heading heading=’Jennifer | JPro’ tag=’h2′ link_apply=” link=’manually,http://’ link_target=” style=’blockquote modern-quote’ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ margin=” padding=’10’ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#ffcc00′ custom_class=” admin_preview_bg=” av-desktop-hide=” av-medium-hide=” av-small-hide=” av-mini-hide=” av-medium-font-size-title=” av-small-font-size-title=” av-mini-font-size-title=” av-medium-font-size=” av-small-font-size=” av-mini-font-size=” av_uid=’av-2uqga0′][/av_heading]
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Jennifer (Jpro) has been part of the Undisputed Family for about 1.5 years.
Since she began training with us, Jennifer has made some amazing progress. She is one of the staples of the 7p fitness class and has been consistently making her fitness a priority within her busy schedule.
Here, she encourages and lifts others around her, making everyone better.
She has made consistent progress with her strength and is always looking to be challenged.
This girl can move!
Jennifer has also made HUGE strides with her nutrition. She has been able to lose weight and gain lean muscle (which totally shows), even as a successful businesswoman with a family.
We think the picture speaks for itself. She looks amazing!
Jennifer has also become strong within her mindset, making fitness a valuable resource while going through tough times.
Keep up the great work Jennifer!
We are very happy you are part of this growing community!
-The Undisputed Team
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Where were you at (physically/mentally/etc.) before CFJ? “Before starting at CFJ I was in a dark place emotionally and mentally. Physically I didn’t even have enough core strength to lift my leg high enough to put on my boots. I forgot that I was an athlete and I forgot that I was a competitor. I lost my drive to be the best version of myself. In February of 2017, I lost my older brother and had literally eaten my emotions. Before I knew what happened I was the same weight that I was when I was pregnant with my first son. I did not like myself at all and as a result of that I was miserable in my marriage”.
Where are you at now? “I am now 57 pounds lighter and my biggest fan. I am back to my normal happy go lucky self and loving life. I am confident, strong and I have a happy marriage”.
What challenges have you overcome as a part of our family? “I have overcome my low self-esteem and lack of drive. For the first time in my life, I finally have a good relationship with food and respect my body”.
What are the biggest benefits you’ve seen as a result of training here? “The biggest benefits so far have been my waistline, level of energy, my happiness and also my self-confidence. I finally feel good in my own skin”.
What do you love most about Undisputed? “The thing I love most about Undisputed are my friendships. I finally found a place where I fit in and where I belong. I used to feel like I donated my money into other gyms and didn’t feel like I had any real connections. At Undisputed everyone is welcomed and I developed some of my best friendships here”.
“I walk through the doors I kind of feel like a badass and I love it. I know I’m strong and I love finding out how heavy I can go or how fast can I finish something. My friend Jeff Gregory has a new saying when you do something well, he says “you JPro’d that shit”!
What 3 words best describe Undisputed?
“Dedicated, welcoming and fun”.
What would you say to someone who is considering joining our family but is on the fence? “Start now, you will not regret it. You will regret waiting so long to start feeling good about yourself and becoming the best version of you”.
What’s something you wished everybody knew about Undisputed? “It’s not just for fit people, it’s for everybody. Everything is scalable. We all started somewhere, but we are all in better places now. The support you receive is not only from the coaches but from your fellow members. We are there to cheer everyone on and help you finish”.
“The coaching staff at CFJ is second to none. The coaches sincerely care and will help you to achieve your best. Thanks to CFJ I have a new set of friends who I value and cherish and we push each other to achieve more. I could not imagine being a member anywhere else”.
Jennifer, you are strong and a very passionate person, thank you for being you.